Office Rm. B301-C, 536-7367 ext.-5141 e-mail:
Office Hrs: M:1:00 - 4:00, T:4:00 - 6:00 or by Appointment
Lecture Section: Tue-Thr CRN 81521
Time: TR: 10:30 - 12:00 pm Room I-110Laboratory: Tue-Thr CRN 51060
Time: MW: 1:00 - 4:00 pm Room A-117Hello and welcome to my Fundamentals of Chemistry 100 course with an emphasis for the allied health majors. In this course we will work together so that you will be exposed to some chemical concepts and understand how the you and your environment is affected by chemistry. This course will be a little different from the past in that you will be asked to take the role of teachers in some of the activities throught out the semester. By the end of the semester I hope that you have a profound understanding that "Chemistry is Everywhere" !! Although we will need to cover a set amount of topics, I generally adjust the course depending on the interest of the class. All I ask is that you work hard, respect others and be honest. If you have any questions concerning this class or your performance, please do not hesitate to see me - I promise that I don't bite.
Course Objective: Students will be expected to develop, through individual, class and laboratory study, an understanding of the basic principles of chemistry. With this knowledge students will understand how chemistry relates to the chemical processes within living system, i.e., digestion, metabolism, and acid-base balance. Furthermore, students will be expected to learn how to apply the scientific method in solving basic problems both real and theoretical. Development of these skills will require familiarization with the use and application of chemical languages, stoichiometry, atomic theory, chemical bonding, solution chemistry, nuclear chemistry, acid-base, organic chemistry and biochemistry.Co-requisite: Chemistry 100-Lab
Text and Supplies:
1) Textbook: Russo & Silver "Introductory Chemistry; A conceptual Focus", First Edition, Addison Wesley Longman, 2000.
2) Laboratory manual: Chemical Education Resource Shrink-wrap Lab packet
3) Calculator: Capable of scientific notations and exponential display.
4) Safety Glasses: You must have this before the first lab.
5) Combination Master-lock: Purchased from the bookstore.
6) Scantron: Five (5) green Scantron must be turned in before Feb 1, 2001.
Required Assignments:Chapter Reading: Please read assigned sections before each class meeting. You will be amaze by the amount of material you understand in class discussion if you read the chapter prior to class. To encourage such practice, quizzes may be given on the assigned reading periodically throughout the semester.
Homework will consist of the lecture review worksheets which will be collected on the assigned due dates. These are worth 10 points with the lowest lecture review sheet assignment dropped. It is for this reason that no late assignments will be accepted for any reason. Problems from the end of the chapter exercises will be recommended but not collected (see class schedule). Pop quizzes on these exercise may be given in lieu of collecting the assignment.. If you want good grades in your exam, do the homework and if you have to, do extra problems at the end of the chapter. By taking time to work on extra problems before the exam, you will be more prepared for the exam problems. Working problems in the book and other sources (i.e., sample test) is an ideal way to prepare for my course. When you have trouble with a problem, see me immediately--the day before an exam is too late!!
Attendance is mandatory by rules set forth by the California Community College guidelines. According to the college catalog, I have the discretion to drop (without reinstatement) any students with two unexcused absences. I can fail any student who miss 6% of the total hours that a class is scheduled to meet (4-dates). It is your responsibility to sign the attendance roster at each class meeting. If your signature does not appear in the attendance roster, you will be marked absent for that class meeting. If you have perfect attendance and have not recorded a tardy for the semester, you will be awarded 15pts extra credit. There are no makeup for quizzes or late homework.
Examinations: All exams will be closed book and in general there will be no makeup Exams. If you miss an exam for just cause (illness, auto accident, childbirth), inform me as soon as possible and I will evaluate your circumstance on a case-by-case basis and decide the appropriate method for a makeup. In addition, all makeup needs to be accompanied by a term paper (minimum ten-type page) within one week after the make-up exam is given. (Generally the scores for a make-up exam is 40-pts below the average). If you fail to notify me after the next class meeting, you will receive a zero for that exam.
Dates: Exams are shown below in the table of exam. The final is scheduled on Thursday, May 31 (250 pts). This will be a cumulative exam accounts for 25 % of your grade. Please check your schedule for conflicts at this time. You need to take the final exam to pass the course.
Course Grade: Course grade will be determined as outline below. Evidence of improvement during the semester will be considered when assigning final letter grade.
Chemistry 100 Grading Format
Ch Date Qz/Ex HW Total Points
Grade Evaluated by:
Points Level Grade
Ch 1,2 2/8 Ex1-50 20 70 Ch 3,4,5,6 3 / 8 Ex2-115 40 155 Ch 7,9,10 4 / 5 Ex3-125 30 155 Ch 11,12,13 5 / 1 Ex4-130 30 160 Ch 15,16 5 / 17 Ex5-100 20 120 Final 5 / 31 FEx-250 - 250 Misc Tch Tech 100 Total 1000
Hw1 130 pts 5 Exam 520 pts Final 250 pts Misc. 100 pts Total 1000pts 1 - One HW is dropped
91-100% Superior A 88-90% Excellent A- 80-87% Proficient B 77-79% Good B- 60-76% Acceptable C 50-59% Mediocre D Below 50% Unacceptable F
One Final Note: Although it should not be necessary to make this comment, dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated in this class. Anyone involved in cheating on the exams, etc., will fail the class and will be reported to campus authorities. Please review Miramar College academic integrity policy.
Very Important Notes
1. By the second class meeting you must have a calculator that has the following function: scientific notation, base 10 and natural logarithms, and powers or roots (e.g. yx or 2.34-1/2). If you need help in determining whether your calculator contains these functions or in using any of your calculator's function, please see your instructor immediately. It will be your responsibility to understand the use of your calculator and its functions. Please bring your calculator to each class meeting.2. For all quizzes & exams you must bring a calculator. No sharing of calculators will be permitted. It is your responsibility to bring your calculator on the day of a quiz or exam. If you do not, you may not be allowed to take the quiz or exam with a calculator. Scratch paper will not be permitted unless provided by your instructor.
3. For all assignments that are to be graded, i.e., lecture review sheets, homework, quizzes and exams: No credit will be given for any numerical problem unless they are accompanied by a complete step-by-step solution which clearly shows how the answer was obtained. Always box your final answer and remember that neatness will count. If your work cannot be clearly followed, you may not be given credit for that problem. Please do not use a pen for numerical calculations.
4. A seating chart may be posted for any quiz or exam. If you are not seated in your assigned seat, then you will be asked to comply with the seating chart. If you refuse to comply, you will not be allowed to take the quiz or exam.
5. Class attendance. According to Miramar Academic policies (p 34 of catalogue), "Every student is expected to attend each meeting of all classes for which they are registered, to arrive on time and to stay for the full class period." Note also according to this section that any student accumulating absences which exceed 6 % of the total hours that a class is schedule to meet ... may be failed (or dropped) by the instructor. Please read this section of the Academic policies (p 34) and adhere to the regulations. Remember that tardiness and leaving class early are treated in the same manner as absences.
6. If you drop this course it is your responsibility to go to the registration office where you must fill out the proper paper work. Simply not showing up to class does not constitute dropping the course.
7. You must perform all your laboratory experiments and write-up in the data worksheet (do not use notebook paper). Failure to comply will result in 25% penalty on your lab grade for that experiment.
8. If you give a valid excuse to make-up the exam, you must do so within a week, otherwise a zero will be recorded for that exam.
9. Through out the semester we will break off into small groups to discuss how best to learn and teach the concept we are presently studying. These short breakout sessions will compile 100 points (10%) of your grade. More information will be provided through out the semester.
10. Disruptive Behavior: You have the responsibility to conduct yourself in a mature manner in class. Any behavior which interferes with the legitimate instructional, administrative or service functions of the class is considered to be disruptive behavior. In some instances if the behavior threatens the personal safety of others then it is classified as a crisis and District Police Dispatch will be contacted. Please respect your instructor and your fellow classmates.
11. Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. If you engage in either of these activities on any assignment (quizzes, lab assignments. etc.) then you will receive no credit for the assignment and will be dismissed from the course, receive a failing grade and referred to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action. For further information, please read the Miramar College catalog under the section on "Student Rights, Responsibilities of all San Diego Community College District students".
12. Academic misconduct and cheating. In this course you are encourage to study and prepare for quizzes and examinations with other students. However, when taking quizzes and examinations, and when writing laboratory reports, you are to work alone. The College regulations are very explicit about academic misconduct and cheating and these regulations will be fully enforced. During examinations, we will apply a code of honor, under which you are to work alone and neither give nor receive help from any source. Also, you are expected to help enforce this code.
Special Services
Tutoring: Free tutoring will be available at the PLACe, D-106. The PLACe (Personal Learning Assistance Center) is a peer-to-peer tutorial center supervised by credential instructor. The emphasis is on reading, writing, study skills, problem solving and math across the curriculum. Content tutoring is also available. Several interactive computer tutorials are available specifically for chemistry. If you would like more information on the service provided, see your instructor or stop by the PLACe.
Disable Students Services: If you have a learning or physical disability which requires special accommodations for classroom participation and/or examinations, please notify your instructor and the DSPS office on campus by the second class meeting.
Miramar College Science Club: Join the science club for exciting experiences related to science and to meet other people who share an interest in science. The science club also sponsors the recycling program on campus. The proceeds from recycling allow the club to award tuition scholarships to science majors at Miramar College. Meeting times will be announced throughout the semester. Open to all Miramar students, faculty and staff.
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