Sample Exams
Chemistry Courses at Miramar College

Fundamentals of Chemistry   (Chem-100)

Fundamental of Chem (100)
Chemistry 100 Lecture

Unit 1 (Exam 1)
Chp1: Introduction to Chemistry
Chp2:  Number side of Chemistry
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Unit 2 (Exam 2) 
Chp3:  Atomic Evolution
Chp4:  Modern Model of the Atoms
Chp5:  Bonding Between Atoms
Chp6:  Structure of Moleucles
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Unit 3 (Exam 3)
Chp7: Chemical Reactions 
Chp 9:  Intermolecular Forces and Phases of Matter
Chp10:  Solutions
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Unit 4 (Exam 4)
Chp 11:  Kinetics
Chp 12:   Chemical Equilibrium
Chp13:  Electrolytes, Acids and Bases
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Final Exam
Chp15: Organic Chemistry
Chp16:  Biochemistry
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Class Hand Outs